Falls need not be a natural part of aging. There are ways to prevent them.

According to the NHS, around a third of people aged 65 and over, and half of people aged 80 and over, fall at least once a year. Even without injury, a fall can cause distress, loss of confidence, and loss of independence. However, a third of those falls are preventable. So, don’t wait for a fall to happen, the secret to successful fall prevention is action.

Standing Strong is a fall prevention workshop that aims at debunking myths about falls and most importantly provide a wide range of tools that will help prevent them; including staying safe at home and outside and most importantly yoga-inspired exercises and practices that help improve balance, strength, and coordination.

This fall prevention workshop will weave discussion with yoga practice with the objective to give you clear guidance on what you can do in your everyday life to prevent falls.

Workshop rundown

Part 1: Understanding falls and how to prevent them, with guest speaker.

Coffee/tea break

Part 2: Movements for building muscles, balance and coordination

"This was a fun and informative afternoon with lots of practical ideas to use at home".

"Good to be with people who have similar problems".

"Encouraged me to exercise to increase strength as it is never too late!"

"First class verbal advice, combined with just the right accompaniment of physical moves. Just excellent !".

"Brilliant tutor who understands we are all individuals".

"This was a fun and informative afternoon with lots of practical ideas to use at home". "Good to be with people who have similar problems". "Encouraged me to exercise to increase strength as it is never too late!" "First class verbal advice, combined with just the right accompaniment of physical moves. Just excellent !". "Brilliant tutor who understands we are all individuals".

Offer #1


Workshop only

Offer #2


Workshop + Home Practice videos

Offer #3


Workshop + 5 Golden Yoga classes

There are 3 offers for you to choose from.

Offer 1Workshop only” gives you your space at the workshop

Offer 2 “Workshop + Home practice videos”. In addition to your space at the workshop, this offer will give you access, at a reduced price, to the Golden Yoga Home Practice videos so you can continue practicing valuable exercises in the comfort of your own home. There are 3 x 20minutes specially recorded videos of Golden Yoga. You will have unlimited access to the videos.

Offer 3 “Workshop + 5 Golden Yoga classes” gives you a space at the workshop plus access to 5 Golden Yoga classes at a reduced rate. These are face-to-face yoga classes designed to support strength, coordination, balance and overall wellbeing. The classes are held in Forest Row and East Grinstead. Your 5-class pass will be valid for a year from the date of purchase.

Book your spot below or if you have any question, contact me. Please note that once booked workshops can not be refunded, however your space is transferrable to a person of your choice.